Please e.mail your fully completed application to along with an up-to-date CV, images of previous work and development ideas for your capsule collection.
Mail to:
Application deadline: 28 / 02/ 2017
Application requirement:
- Previous experience and knowledge of knitted product
- English speaking skill
- Strong leadership skill and ability to delegate tasks to technicians
- Commitment to join the eight-week program
Design Requirement:
- Your design should be combined with SPP concepts.
- Your collection should be one look of clothes including underwear, outwear, socks or shoes fabrics for Autumn/winter 2017-2018.
- Santoni (SH) has the right of using products for publicity, display and promotion.
- Santoni (SH) reserves the right of final interpretation of SPP.
Application Form:
Application_Santoni Pioneer Program_2017.doc