Hsiang Ju Kung


9th SPP Designer


Designer name:

Hsiang Ju Kung


Collection Name:

Crafted Nature


Concept/ Inspiration:

By Dani Olivier, a Paris-based photographer, who put a unique twist on the nude model and creates geometric visuals with light and framed by abstract shapes as a key inspiration. I attempt to create a new surface and present the effect of three dimensions by the fabric itself and construct this three dimensions structure on garments and toward another new three dimensions upon the human body in order to talk about the language of fabric. Thus, I  try to create the possibility to experiment with shape and form that would give ease of movement and refresh the face. Also, considering the key point of innovative functions and  environmental protection,  I expect to not only deliver a high-level of tenacity to apparel but also a delivery of sensational lightweight.



Activewear / Oversize Jacket / Socks/ Shoes/ /Hat /Bag