Interview “Santoni Pioneer Program”


Q:Please introduce "Santoni Pioneer Program" which is aiming at gathering global fashion talents?

A: Santoni together with SPP team would like to support the growth of circular knitting technology while creating a platform to enable people with different experience to work together for understanding how to create and develop new knitting concept.

 Santoniʼs goal is to encourage and challenge fashion talents to push the boundaries of circular knitwear usage.

 Santoni strives to collaborate with the industry most cutting-edge, creative and innovative designers around the world.


 Q:How does Santoni carry out this program? Is it a theoretical training?

 A:  No, the program has four sections: the first is a “Research” which is more   theoretical , the second is “Concept Creation” which is theoretical and practical , the third  section  which is “Product development” is practical and the fourth section which is “ presentation” is more related to the communication capability.



 Q:What can the designers get from “Santoni Pioneer Program”? What can Santoni get from “Santoni Pioneer Program”?

A: Probably is too early to say what the designer gained from this experience and also what Santoni have as a return, is better to say what we aim to achieve. From designer side, we hope to open a new world for them in order to create more common opportunity. From Santoni side the more important target is to distribute more knowledge for making people who work for creating a new product be able to use our technology in the successful way.



 Q: For this program, what is the next step Santoni will move?

 A: Next step for us is to connect all our activity to the real market. In this way we already start several actions especially inside of the exhibition

  which we are preparing for the next few year.



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