May_ season for “Santoni Pioneer Program" graduation

1st section "Santoni Pioneer Program" lasts for 2 months, now is coming to the end. SPP designers have graduated successfully! 

On 16th May, we hold a special "Graduation Ceremony" for all the designers in Santoni Ever'n Knit Village.

The founder and operator of SPINEXPO TM Ms. Karine Van Tessel’s presence definitely made this "Graduation Ceremony" more meaningful. She said,"Today when I see 'Santoni Pioneer Program' in front of me, I realize it is already highly beyond my expectation." Ms. Karine was very excited that day, she said she would like to take them to SPINEXPO New York section this coming July. 

Design product presentation:

"Gradient tessellations", inspiration came from architecture extension. This product is aim to create visual effects which can be realized in Santoni TOP2 machine

"Expressionism in color and contrast"

"Wabi-sabi, imperfect, incomplete, impermanent"

When designers were presented graduation certificate, their happiness showed between the lines, 2-month memory came up into their mind, they gained friendship and achieved their design as well. However, when facing farewell, they were moved into tears. They said that SPP had given them many opportunities which they thought was impossible in the past.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to "Santoni Pioneer Program" as well thanks to Santoni Pioneer Program Entire Team.

More stories to be continued...

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